Post Tagged with: "Northside General Hospital"

Turning Hospitals Into Affordable Housing

Turning Hospitals Into Affordable Housing

December 1, 2021 at 1:16 pm

Here’s an item from last week’s CBRM council session on affordable housing that I really wanted to follow up on:  Deputy Mayor (and District 2 Councilor) Earlene MacMullin proposed the municipality look into the possibility of turning the Northside General Hospital, scheduled for closure and demolition, into affordable housing —Read More

(Clockwise from upper left) Glace Bay Hospital, New Waterford Consolidated Hospital, Northside General Hospital, Cape Breton Regional Hospital

What the Healthcare Plan Means for Surgeries

July 25, 2018 at 11:38 am

A few weeks ago, when I reported on the provincial government’s “redevelopment” plan for Cape Breton Healthcare, I noted that it called for the transfer of surgeries currently performed in the Northside General and New Waterford Consolidated Hospitals (both of which are scheduled for closure) to the Cape Breton RegionalRead More

Premier Stephen McNeil announces planned changes to CBRM healthcare system. Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion, Sydney, 25 June 2018. (Photo by Charlie Morrison)

About That Healthcare Redevelopment Plan…

June 27, 2018 at 12:42 pm

Okay, don’t kill me, but I’m not sure this healthcare plan for Cape Breton is all bad. [Ducks under desk. Waits for boos to subside.] I may be a little jaded about the loss of physical buildings, given that the hospital I was born in, the elementary school I attendedRead More

Letter to the Editor: Doctors and Taxes

Letter to the Editor: Doctors and Taxes

September 13, 2017 at 11:30 am

This morning I was told by two doctors at the Pain Clinic at the Northside General Hospital in North Sydney that if the Liberal government under Justin Trudeau follows through with his new tax on incomes over 150-200 grand, the new younger doctor will move to a province that requiresRead More