Post Tagged with: "Chad Tobin"

Local Photographers Explore Japan in New Exhibition

Local Photographers Explore Japan in New Exhibition

July 19, 2017 at 11:30 am

The Spectator is very pleased to report that two local photographers (who’ve both been featured right here in these very pages) are exhibiting their work at the Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design. Japan: Two Perspectives, which opened officially on Monday, features the work of Chad Tobin and CharlieRead More

Chad Tobin’s Street Photography

Chad Tobin’s Street Photography

September 14, 2016 at 12:03 pm

Chad Tobin has a day job. I suspect he’s very good at it. But this article is not about the CBRM resident’s job—it’s about his passion. Tobin is a street photographer. To take a really good street photograph, he says, you must ensure all the elements in the photo areRead More