Letter to the Editor: Think Before You Vote

So I am 67 years old and have lived most of my life on Cape Breton Island. I have seen many politicians come and go. I have heard promises of better times ahead many Drawing of a ballot boxtimes over the years. I have heard many political parties blame the others for past mistakes. The Red Liberals blame the Blue Tories and vice versa. The NDP blame the Red and Blue. And they do so in every election, provincially and federally. Elections remind me of ping-pong games, only we use red and blue balls. Sometimes we throw in an orange ball to spice the game up.

Many mayors, councilors, MLAs and MPs have come and gone. When running for office they have all the answers to our issues and concerns, but once elected seem to either forget or are instructed to say and do nothing. Showing no backbone.

Take a look at what we have been electing. Career politicians who have served us badly. Those politicians who look only to better themselves and their chosen parties to qualify for their “entitlements.”

We have the highest child and senior poverty levels in the country, extremely high unemployment, along with a very serious health crisis. Career politicians and party politics have failed us miserably in the last 20 years.

So before you vote in any up-and-coming elections seriously take a look at who, or what party, mayor or councilors want your vote. Ask questions. Educate yourself. Don’t vote for him or her just because they dress nice or sing in a church choir or because the family voted that way for generations. That kind of voting is not working . It only benefits the person or party and the puppet masters that own them.

Vote wisely. Ask questions. Know the person , their party and track record. Have they earned the privilege to represent you?


Richard Collis
Big Bras D’or




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