Post Tagged with: "Green New Deal"

The Fish that Stopped the Ship?

The Fish that Stopped the Ship?

December 2, 2020 at 1:06 pm

Author’s Note: As this year unlike any other grinds to a bleak close, I offer – in the spirit not of prophecy, but satiric thought-experiment – ‘alternate universe’ visions of the near future. And bear with me, dear reader, as I first appear to lose my mind…   “The extremelyRead More

Foreign Policy Generation

Generation ‘Why War?’

March 4, 2020 at 2:34 pm

 “…the car, still loaded with people, made a wide U-turn and stopped; it was the end of the line.”– Paul Bowles, last words of The Sheltering Sky It was my Grandfather’s favorite story, and he swore it was true: a man horribly lost in a maze of back roads, unableRead More

David B. Gleason from Chicago, IL [CC BY-SA 2.0 (]

Close the Pentagon, Feed the World!

March 13, 2019 at 11:54 am

In 2003, Peace Quest Cape Breton launched a modest campaign for a ‘Pentagon Vacation’: a two-week (336-hour) reduction in the US Defense Department’s annual budget of $379 million (all figures in US dollars)– a saving, calculating 14 days at a Pentagon Hour (PH) rate of $42 million/hour, of around $14Read More