Post Tagged with: "Dexter Institute"

My $3,000 FOIPOP or Why This System Doesn’t Work

My $3,000 FOIPOP or Why This System Doesn’t Work

July 5, 2017 at 12:20 pm

In the world of the start-up digital publications, $3,000 is a lot of money. Had I $3,000 burning a hole in my pocket, I could walk into Connors Basics on Charlotte Street and come out with a new desk, a new office chair, a lifetime supply of roller ball pens,Read More

DIY Government-Funded Training?

DIY Government-Funded Training?

June 28, 2017 at 12:15 pm

Nova Scotia’s Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI) program (which could also be called the “Let a Thousand Consultancies Bloom” program) has existed since 2010 and since 2014 has been “an initiative of the Canada-Nova Scotia Job Grant.” The program gives Nova Scotia “[b]usinesses, social enterprises and revenue-generating non-for-profitRead More