Post Tagged with: "CUPE"

FOTO:FORTEPAN / Lencse Zoltán, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Impromptu Press Review

April 19, 2023 at 11:47 am

Bait and Switch? How it started: Excitement is building for what’s expected to be a multi-million dollar development along the Cabot Trail by a private firm with European connections. Just two days after the sale of a beleaguered Ingonish ski hill, the facility’s new owners are hosting a public meeting.Read More

Daycare in Long-Term Care?

Daycare in Long-Term Care?

September 22, 2021 at 4:49 pm

The Province of Nova Scotia has announced a pilot program to provide onsite childcare for nursing staff, particularly continuing care assistants (CCAs), at the Cove Guest Home in Sydney. During the CBC Information Morning Cape Breton report on the daycare pilot, Cheryl Deveaux, chief executive officer and administrator of theRead More

On the Clock: The Local Angle

On the Clock: The Local Angle

October 30, 2019 at 1:53 pm

Earlier this year, acting on a tip that ambulances were being called quite frequently to what is now known as the Sydney Call Centre (although for most of the period for which I requested figures, it was the ServiCom call center), I FOIPOPed the Nova Scotia Department of Health toRead More

Fast & Curious: Short Takes on Random Things

Fast & Curious: Short Takes on Random Things

October 5, 2018 at 7:45 am

But seriously, where’s Cecil? Did it strike anyone else odd that the mayor wasn’t at that flood prevention press conference on Monday? Sydney-Whitney Pier MLA (and Energy Minister) Derek Mombourquette and Sydney-Victoria MP Mark Eyking both thought $2.5 million in additional federal disaster funding was worth coming to town andRead More