Post Tagged with: "Bill C-14"

Bishops’ Attitude To Assisted Death Un-Christian

Bishops’ Attitude To Assisted Death Un-Christian

October 12, 2016 at 7:36 am

It’s not surprising that the Archbishops of Alberta and the Northern Territories would take a stand against assisted death, as outlined in Bill C-14, passed by the Canadian House of Commons in June of this year. In so doing, they are upholding Catholic doctrine that life exists from conception toRead More

Supreme Court of Canada building

Assisted Suicide Not ‘Death by Doctor’

August 10, 2016 at 12:09 pm

If Murray Lewis, editor of Good Times, the magazine for retirees which comes 10 times a year with your Cape Breton Post subscription, wanted to introduce a little shock and awe into the assisted death debate, he probably succeeded in his editorial in the July/August edition. He strongly criticizes theRead More