Post Tagged with: "New Brunswick"

Premier Stephen McNeil and Dr. Robert Strang, NS COVID-19 Update, 8 May 2020

NS COVID-19 Update for 8 May 2020

May 8, 2020 at 5:57 pm

Daily Briefing Dr. Robert Strang today announced two more deaths at the Northwood long-term-care facility (LCTF) in Halifax, bringing total deaths at the facility to 40 and total deaths across the province to 46. Strang also announced one new case of COVID-19. Doing the math, it seems there are onlyRead More

Premier Stephen McNeil, NS COVID-19 Update, 24 August 2020

NS COVID-19 Update for 27 April 2020

April 26, 2020 at 3:21 pm

Daily briefing There were no press briefings on Saturday, Sunday or Monday but the government sent out press releases all three days: On Saturday, the province announced six additional COVID-19 deaths, five at the Northwood long-term-care facility (LTCF) in Halifax and one in the Western Zone, involving a man inRead More