Post Tagged with: "Lynne McCarron"

Source: Campaign 2000

Sydney-Victoria: Leading the Province in Child Poverty

June 20, 2018 at 12:10 pm

Sydney-Victoria figured in a Canadian Top-10 list this week but it’s nothing to celebrate: we’re one of the 10 federal ridings with the highest levels of child poverty in the country. The list is found in the latest report from Campaign 2000, a Canadian anti-poverty group that takes its nameRead More

Poverty in Canada: ‘Unnecessary and Unconscionable’

Poverty in Canada: ‘Unnecessary and Unconscionable’

March 1, 2017 at 12:40 pm

As kids, we weren’t very impressed by our mother’s “war stories” of walking six miles to school after feeding the chickens and having a big bowl of porridge (she hated it so much we were never forced to eat it). She didn’t talk too much about her life as aRead More